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                                            461   440  

Matches from Liber AL:

  1. of men Be thou Hadit, my secret centre,
  2. mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu! Now ye shall know that the chosen
  3. Let there be no difference made among
  4. availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!
  5. shall be the sign. So she answered him, bending down,
  6. upon the black earth her lithe body arched for
  7. and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in
  8. redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it
  9. my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can
  10. that thou writest is the threefold book of
  11. the princes shall not in one letter change
  12. close into the word. For there are therein
  13. The Hermit and the Lover and the man of Earth.
  14. is no bond that can unite the divided but
  15. bond that can unite the divided but love: all
  16. Hell. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and
  17. all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat
  18. me Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer;
  19. that palace is of silver and gold, lapis lazuli jasper
  20. of silver and gold, lapis lazuli jasper are there, and
  21. the emblems of death. Let him enter in
  22. world my sister, my heart my tongue, unto whom
  23. style of a letter; for behold thou o prophet
  24. unattacked But thou hast all in the clear light,
  25. in the clear light, and some though not all in the
  26. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are
  27. for there are love and love. There is the dove
  28. these old letters of my Book are aright; but
  29. ecstasy: nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. My
  30. Middle, the circle is Red. My colour is black to
  31. ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to
  32. joy. I charge you earnestly to come before
  33. to you. Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous
  34. is at an End. Nu! the hiding of Hadit. Come! all ye, and
  35. is the name of my House. In the sphere I am
  36. is nowhere found. Yet she shall be known I never.
  37. death. I am the Magician and the Exorcist I
  38. for it is I that go Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath
  39. that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass are done;
  40. of this shrine: now let the light devour men
  41. let the light devour men and eat them up
  42. devour men and eat them up with blindness.
  43. God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us.
  44. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not
  45. and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us. We
  46. with the outcast and the unfit: let them
  47. the outcast and the unfit: let them die
  48. strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think
  49. in pure ecstasy for ever Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-
  50. in the forest or on the mountain; but in
  51. see them at rule, at Victorious armies, at all
  52. with burning hearts; on the low men trample
  53. earth are one. There is great danger in me;
  54. feast for the three days of the writing of
  55. and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods. A feast
  56. of the Gods. A feast for fire and a feast for water;
  57. them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate
  58. light of my bride: but the red gleam is in
  59. There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the
  60. shall fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee up.
  61. in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are
  62. as ye are, not other. Therefore the kings of
  63. of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come
  64. in writing! Work be our bed in working! Thrill
  65. ever to more! and if thou art truly mine and
  66. mine and doubt it not, and if thou art ever
  67. the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T O V A L. What
  68. shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow
  69. ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall
  70. end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing worship
  71. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught Beware! Hold!
  72. Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them. Choose ye an
  73. Get the stele of revealing itself; set
  74. already aright disposed it shall be your Kiblah for
  75. down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will
  76. not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear
  77. too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not
  78. even ye, know not this meaning all. Fear not at all;
  79. any other power in heaven or upon the earth
  80. heaven or upon the earth or under the earth.
  81. Because of the fall of Because, that he is not
  82. he is not there again. Set up my image in
  83. especial, not unlike the one thou knowest.
  84. secret; for the Beast his Bride are they:
  85. Ordeal x. What is this? Thou shalt know. For perfume
  86. is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of
  87. some beast, no matter what. This burn: of this
  88. as it were and creeping things sacred unto
  89. adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and
  90. come hither and a reproduction of this ink
  91. in red ink and black upon beautiful paper
  92. they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it
  93. the work of the comment? That is easy; and Hadit
  94. shameless before all men! Then will I lift her
  95. Now this mystery of the letters is done, and
  96. at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross I
  97. upon the cross I flap my wings in the face of
  98. out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist,
  99. But the keen and the proud, the royal and the
  100. seat, lightening the girders of the soul. To
  101. all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who
  102. seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not
  103. the pillars of the world! for your time is nigh
  104. the Word Abrahadabra. The Book of the Law is Written

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius