Search The Liber AL


the  man  of  Earth.  Do  what  thou  wilt  shall  be  the  whole  of  the  Law. 
53   36   25   66   13   32   52   52   14   45   53   41   25   53   6  
  89   61   91   79   45   84   104   66   59   98   94   66   78   59
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                        507   507   477  
                          560   513

Matches from Liber AL:

  1. Come forth, o children, under the stars take your fill
  2. under the stars take your fill of love. I am above you and
  3. given. They shall gather my children into their fold:
  4. Secret word which I have given unto him With the God
  5. Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
  6. thing; for thereby there cometh hurt. But whoso
  7. him be the chief of all! I am Nuit and my word is six and
  8. penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth her
  9. of the world that the pain of division is as nothing and
  10. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at
  11. I swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart
  12. body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all
  13. sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire
  14. for all This that thou writest is the threefold book
  15. Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga;
  16. Grades. The Hermit and the Lover and the man of Earth. Do
  17. the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
  18. man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The
  19. wife if she will. O lover, if thou wilt, depart. There
  20. of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all thou hast no right
  21. a secret key of this law Sixty-one the Jews call it; I
  22. I call it Eight, Eighty, fourhundred eighteen.
  23. Equinox of the Gods and let Asar be with Isa who also are one.
  24. turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the
  25. him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho!
  26. palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink?
  27. apparel eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines
  28. world my sister, my heart my tongue, unto whom I send
  29. and prophet though thou be of the princes it shall
  30. words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that they
  31. me under my stars. Love is the law, love under will. Nor let
  32. these old letters of my Book are aright; but is not
  33. in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest,
  34. no blood therein: because of my hair the trees of
  35. as all their numbers who are of us. The five pointed
  36. mine incense before me invoking me with
  37. goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels;
  38. shall exceed the nations of the earth in splendour
  39. me in a single robe and covered with a rich headdress. I
  40. a single robe and covered with a rich headdress. I love you
  41. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say and
  42. to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! I
  43. pain and regret Are left to the dead and the dying,
  44. not know me as yet. These are dead, these fellows; they
  45. not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the
  46. I will tell my prophet, be drunk thereof! They shall
  47. folly against self. The exposure of innocence is
  48. light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about
  49. at rule, at Victorious armies, at all the joy; and there
  50. the low men trample in the fierce lust of your
  51. Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth
  52. mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of
  53. and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth,
  54. shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and
  55. not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall
  56. for there is a factor infinite unknown; all their
  57. he damned for a dog! But ye, o my people, rise up awake!
  58. rituals be rightly performed with joy beauty!
  59. Be they damned dead! Amen. [This is of the there is a
  60. I as a babe in an egg.] Blue am I and gold in the light of my
  61. is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of
  62. folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it:
  63. are, not other. Therefore the kings of the earth
  64. of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve.
  65. King, thou canst not hurt him. Therefore strike
  66. of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our
  67. working! Thrill with the joy of life death! Ah! thy death shall
  68. death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whoso seeth it shall be glad. Thy
  69. Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whoso seeth it shall be glad. Thy death
  70. the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L
  71. S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not,
  72. unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o
  73. not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught Beware!
  74. this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my
  75. it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it
  76. me with fire blood; worship me with swords with spears.
  77. their flesh to eat! Sacrifice cattle little and
  78. East: thou shalt buy thee an image which I will show thee,
  79. is this? Thou shalt know. For perfume mix meal honey
  80. down with rich fresh blood! The best blood is of the moon,
  81. me. This hath also another use; let it be laid before
  82. This hath also another use; let it be laid before me,
  83. laid before me, and kept thick with perfumes
  84. throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring
  85. and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman
  86. skies; another woman shall awake the lust worship of the Snake;
  87. showed! I adore the might of Thy breath, Supreme and
  88. I adore thee! Appear on the throne of Ra! Open the
  89. the Khabs run through To stir me or still me! Aum! let
  90. run through To stir me or still me! Aum! let it fill
  91. O Mentu, The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu! By Bes-na-Maut
  92. not only in the English and thy comment upon this
  93. upon beautiful paper made by hand; and to each man and
  94. they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it is no odds.
  95. Success is thy proof: argue not: convert not: talk not
  96. child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from
  97. any. This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always
  98. but always with the original in the writing of the
  99. in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child
  100. I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross
  101. peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross I
  102. understandeth it not. Let him come through the
  103. it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not so,
  104. the pillars of the world! for your time is nigh at hand I
  105. The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The Book of
  106. ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The Book of the

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius