Search The Liber AL


the  fresh  blood  of  a  child,  or  dropping  from  the  host  of  heaven: 
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                      553   579

Matches from Liber AL:

  1. of love. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy
  2. above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy is to see
  3. The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
  4. stars into the hearts of men. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon.
  5. hearts of men. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is
  6. flame and to her the stooping starlight. But ye are not so
  7. starlight. But ye are not so chosen Burn upon their brows,
  8. in the Secret word which I have given unto him With the
  9. hurt. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of
  10. the prophet and slave of the beauteous one. Who am I, and what shall
  11. the world that the pain of division is as nothing and the joy
  12. their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is
  13. by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I
  14. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand
  15. and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword: these he shall
  16. of the sword: these he shall learn and teach. He must teach; but he
  17. word. For there are therein Three Grades. The Hermit
  18. of the Law. The word of Sin is Restriction. O Man! refuse not
  19. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all
  20. result, is every way perfect The Perfect and the
  21. where and with whom ye will. But always unto me. If this be not
  22. the world, the little world my sister, my heart my tongue,
  23. Expect him not from the East nor from the West, for
  24. prophets true; save only that they understand a little;
  25. will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love.
  26. for there are love and love. There is the dove and there is
  27. secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise. I give
  28. give all: but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose all in that
  29. pleasure and purple and drunkenness of the innermost
  30. splendour within you: come unto me At all my meetings
  31. unto me At all my meetings with you shall the priestess
  32. Secret Temple To me! To me! calling forth the flame
  33. flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of
  34. is I that go Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me;
  35. nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one
  36. is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King
  37. they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the
  38. o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt
  39. die, but live! Now let it be understood If the body of
  40. he shall remain in pure ecstasy for ever Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-
  41. these are for the servants of the Star the Snake. I am the
  42. lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any
  43. at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times
  44. are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then
  45. beauty! There are rituals of the elements and feasts
  46. A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet secret,
  47. of uttermost delight. Aye! feast! rejoice! there is
  48. perish. Be they damned dead! Amen. [This is of the there
  49. red gleam is in my eyes my spangles are purple green.
  50. virtuous words: these vices are my service: ye do well, I will
  51. thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not
  52. the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou
  53. may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test:
  54. will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide
  55. it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our
  56. our agelong love. Come! lift up thine heart rejoice! We
  57. excellent kisses! Harder! hold up thyself! Lift thine head!
  58. thyself! Lift thine head! breathe not so deep die! Ah! Ah! What
  59. of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught
  60. for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee. The length
  61. that lives long desires death much is ever the King among
  62. lives long desires death much is ever the King among the
  63. the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y
  64. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love
  65. of the man; and the name of thy house The end of the hiding
  66. the man; and the name of thy house The end of the hiding of
  67. a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples and none
  68. shall stand before you. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of
  69. thy secret temple and that temple is already aright
  70. day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the world. This shall be your
  71. forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy
  72. a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the
  73. flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them,
  74. Sacrifice cattle little and big: after a child. But not
  75. cattle little and big: after a child. But not now. Ye shall see
  76. promises; fear not to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye,
  77. fear neither men, nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money
  78. neither men, nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear
  79. or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge
  80. call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, it
  81. not there again. Set up my image in the East: thou shalt
  82. image which I will show thee, especial, not unlike the one
  83. The other images group around me to support me: let
  84. they: and for the winners of the Ordeal x. What is this? Thou shalt
  85. of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften smooth down with
  86. afterward soften smooth down with rich fresh blood! The best
  87. the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven:
  88. of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what. This
  89. me, and kept thick with perfumes of your orison: it shall
  90. be they long kept it is better; for they swell with
  91. who shall pour his gold upon thee. From gold forge steel: Be ready
  92. there standeth and shall stand the fall of the Great Equinox,
  93. Great Equinox, when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded
  94. arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman
  95. no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord! The half of
  96. the Lord of Thebes, and I The inspired forth-speaker of
  97. unveils the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whoso words are
  98. Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity uttermost showed! I adore the might
  99. To tremble before Thee:- I, I adore thee! Appear on
  100. door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy
  101. and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu, The
  102. English and thy comment upon this the Book of the Law shall be
  103. and black upon beautiful paper made by hand; and to each man and
  104. the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss
  105. child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as
  106. I will be at your arms in battle ye shall delight to slay. Success
  107. mystery of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the
  108. at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross I flap my wings
  109. the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I
  110. your crapulous creeds. Let Mary inviolate be torn upon
  111. keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty; ye are brothers!
  112. is success I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence of Strength; my
  113. I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power the wand of the Force
  114. of Power the wand of the Force of Coph Nia but my left hand
  115. nought remains. Paste the sheets from right to left
  116. of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The Book of the Law is Written

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius