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the  God.  I  adore  thee  in  the  song   
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. The manifestation of Nuit
  2. manifestation of Nuit The
  3. heaven Every man and every woman
  4. their men are fools. Come forth,
  5. prince-priest the Beast
  6. all power given. They shall gather my
  7. children into their fold: they
  8. I am Heaven, and there is no other
  9. the priest answered said unto
  10. priest answered said unto the
  11. sake, for the chance of union. This
  12. of union. This is the creation
  13. union. This is the creation of
  14. these fools of men and their woes
  15. woes care not thou at all! They feel
  16. at all! They feel little; what is, is
  17. all. Then the priest fell into a
  18. be half known and half concealed: the Law is
  19. wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Also the mantras
  20. So with thy all thou hast no right but
  21. and none by the Book. Abrogate are all
  22. let the fine be tried in
  23. are four gates to one palace; the
  24. the emblems of death. Let him
  25. at once the four gates; let him
  26. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy
  27. fill and will of love as ye will, when, where
  28. when, where and with whom ye will. But
  29. the ritual be not ever unto
  30. my heart my tongue, unto whom I
  31. me To me Change not as much as the
  32. second unattacked But thou hast all
  33. fools mistake love; for there are
  34. faith, while in life, upon death;
  35. have a secret glory for them that
  36. bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then
  37. then be willing to give all: but
  38. Ye shall gather goods and store of women
  39. to my joy. I charge you earnestly
  40. my joy. I charge you earnestly to
  41. before me in a single robe and
  42. in a single robe and covered with a
  43. the priestess say and her eyes
  44. The Manifestation of Nuit
  45. Manifestation of Nuit is at
  46. Nuit is at an End. Nu! the hiding
  47. complement of Nu my bride.
  48. nowhere found. Yet she shall be known
  49. of me the knowledge of death. I am
  50. hate the hand the pen; but I am
  51. of this shrine: now let the light
  52. and eat them up with blindness.
  53. people of sighing! The sorrows of
  54. these fellows; they feel not. We
  55. fellows; they feel not. We are not
  56. in a dog? No! but the highest are of
  57. who sorroweth is not of us. Beauty and
  58. have nothing with the outcast and
  59. Snake. I am the Snake that giveth
  60. find them in the forest or on
  61. their eyes, and masses of flaming
  62. of your pride in the day of your
  63. is joy. If I lift up my head, I and
  64. then is rapture of the earth,
  65. and there he shall perish with the
  66. of Reason. Now a curse upon Because
  67. why, then is Power weakness. Also reason
  68. Enough of Because! Be he damned
  69. night unto Nu, and the pleasure
  70. unique conqueror. I am not of
  71. gleam is in my eyes my spangles
  72. veil of sorrow, the pall of death: this
  73. down that lying spectre of the
  74. gladness. But I will hide thee in
  75. that I have forsaken you. He that is
  76. is filthy shall be filthy still. Yea!
  77. that yonder beggar is a King. A King
  78. choose his garment as he will: there
  79. thine eyes o prophet a light
  80. am uplifted in thine heart
  81. our delight is all over thee: hail! hail!
  82. I am the Master: thou art the Holy
  83. life death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely:
  84. the excellent kisses! Harder! hold
  85. Is the word exhausted? There is
  86. thy longing shall be the strength
  87. to the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O
  88. unto thee among men or among Gods!
  89. about with enginery of war! I will
  90. with enginery of war! I will give
  91. secret house Get the stele
  92. disposed it shall be your Kiblah for
  93. enough. I will make easy to you the
  94. woman be girt with a sword before
  95. be girt with a sword before me:
  96. give you of their flesh to eat!
  97. their flesh to eat! Sacrifice
  98. Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money
  99. thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly
  100. make cakes eat unto me. This hath
  101. and blessing no longer be poured
  102. the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and
  103. the God. I adore thee in the song
  104. of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I
  105. and a reproduction of this ink and
  106. beautifully in red ink and black
  107. dine or to drink at them, it is
  108. Law to give. Then they shall chance to
  109. deadlier than he! Drag down their souls
  110. shall my vengeance be known. I will slay
  111. be known. I will slay me her child: I will
  112. will slay me her child: I will alienate
  113. a shrinking and despised harlot shall she
  114. then will I breed from her a child
  115. your proof; courage is your armour;
  116. are mysteries that no Beast shall
  117. hangs upon the cross I flap my wings
  118. Mohammed blind him With my claws I
  119. and Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on
  120. the night-blue sky. Hail! ye twin
  121. for your time is nigh at hand I am

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius