Search The Liber AL


swear  it  by  the  vault 
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. above you and in you. My
  2. Woman, is all power given.
  3. I am Heaven, and there
  4. there is no other God
  5. secret name which I
  6. knoweth me Since I
  7. omnipresence of
  8. Then the priest
  9. ever thus that men
  10. swear it by the vault
  11. Then the priest
  12. concealed: the Law is for all
  13. lest there be folly,
  14. he look but close into
  15. the Law. The word of Sin is
  16. a secret key of this
  17. the Book. Abrogate are
  18. are four gates to one
  19. love as ye will, when, where
  20. shall not assuage thee nor
  21. though not all in the dark.
  22. is the law, love under will.
  23. hath chosen, knowing the
  24. the fortress and the
  25. the seeing. Also I have a
  26. that love me. But to
  27. give all: but whoso gives
  28. I love you! I love you! I
  29. End. Nu! the hiding of
  30. hiding of Hadit. Come! all
  31. secret that hath not
  32. am not extended, and
  33. extended, and Khabs is
  34. every heart of man, and
  35. is a foolish word; for it is
  36. be a veiling of this
  37. to live in a dog? No! but
  38. vice of kings: stamp
  39. of the strong: this is
  40. They shall not harm ye at all.
  41. Now think not to find
  42. the mountain; but
  43. purple, caressed by
  44. see them at rule, at
  45. the day of your wrath. Ye
  46. secret Serpent
  47. If I droop down mine
  48. is a lie; for there is a
  49. Prophet secret, O
  50. secret, O Prophet!
  51. Prophet! A feast for
  52. Equinox of the Gods. A
  53. Aye! feast! rejoice!
  54. is the dissolution, and
  55. Where I am these are
  56. spangles are purple
  57. when these words are said,
  58. hide thee in a mask of
  59. thou art fallen: but I
  60. lift thee up. Nor shall
  61. ye shall laugh not long: then
  62. be cast down or lifted
  63. King concealed! Say you so?
  64. than a caress of Hell's own worm.
  65. Now rejoice! now come
  66. ecstasy in writing!
  67. whoso seeth it shall be glad.
  68. glad. Thy death shall be the
  69. not so deep die! Ah! Ah! What
  70. the lovely Star. Abrahadabra!
  71. lovely Star. Abrahadabra! the
  72. is not aught Beware! Hold!
  73. itself; set it in
  74. after a child. But not
  75. torture; spare not;
  76. as Why? Because of the fall
  77. of worship; the others
  78. beast, no matter what.
  79. were and creeping
  80. better; for they
  81. thee. From gold forge
  82. down shattered, yet an
  83. I adore the might of
  84. ways of the Khu! Lighten
  85. Khu! Lighten the ways of
  86. and Tum, Of Khephra and of
  87. Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I
  88. to give. Then they
  89. in this bliss or no; it
  90. not: talk not overmuch.
  91. souls to awful torment:
  92. her raise herself in
  93. work of wickedness! Let
  94. Let her kill her heart!
  95. her kill her heart! Let
  96. kill her heart! Let her
  97. heart! Let her be loud
  98. let her be covered
  99. a child mightier than
  100. you to victory joy: I
  101. is your proof; courage
  102. your proof; courage is
  103. proof; courage is your
  104. courage is your armour;
  105. after him, whence I
  106. him, whence I say not, who
  107. not fight, but play: all
  108. As brothers fight ye.
  109. the first ordeal it
  110. the Lord of the Double
  111. remains. Paste the

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius