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or  under  the  earth.  Nu  is  your  refuge  as 
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. flame and to her the stooping starlight.
  2. nothing: they do not see me. They are as
  3. give when at last he knoweth me Since I
  4. of the beauteous one. Who am I, and what shall be
  5. So she answered him, bending down, a lambent
  6. answered said unto the Queen of Space,
  7. as One but as None and let them speak not
  8. ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then
  9. the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and
  10. love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed! be
  11. of purpose, delivered from the lust
  12. purpose, delivered from the lust of
  13. Perfect are one Perfect and not
  14. well the other. There are four gates to
  15. the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn.
  16. are means and means. Be goodly therefore:
  17. that foam. Also, take your fill and will of love as ye
  18. I send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet
  19. of earth: ever To me To me Change not as
  20. hidden therein. The child of thy bowels,
  21. under my stars. Love is the law, love under will.
  22. love; for there are love and love. There is
  23. my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.
  24. are of us. The five pointed star, with a
  25. black to the blind, but the blue gold are
  26. for them that love me. But to love me
  27. kiss wilt thou then be willing to give
  28. of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels;
  29. the nations of the earth in splendour
  30. am all pleasure and purple and drunkenness
  31. I love you! I am the blue-lidded daughter
  32. sky To me! To me! The Manifestation
  33. the secret that hath not yet been
  34. of Nu my bride. I am not extended, and
  35. she, the circumference, is nowhere
  36. time are black. Let the evil ones be
  37. be cast away; let the good ones be purged
  38. away; let the good ones be purged by the
  39. good ones be purged by the prophet!
  40. knowledge of me the knowledge of death. I
  41. up with blindness. For I am perfect,
  42. not know me as yet. These are dead, these
  43. yet. These are dead, these fellows; they
  44. they feel not. We are not for the poor
  45. rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of
  46. not of us. Beauty and strength, leaping
  47. for the servants of the Star the Snake. I
  48. exposure of innocence is a lie. Be
  49. innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man, lust,
  50. my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop
  51. doth not understand these runes shall make
  52. there is a factor infinite unknown;
  53. performed with joy beauty! There
  54. the three days of the writing of the
  55. thine heart? Where I am these are not.
  56. am these are not. Pity not the fallen!
  57. perish. Be they damned dead! Amen. [This
  58. light higher than eyesight. There is
  59. of me. Tear down that lying spectre of
  60. service: ye do well, I will reward you here and
  61. and blessed are the eyes that thou shalt look
  62. fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee
  63. avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they
  64. kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever:
  65. be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it
  66. come in our splendour rapture! Come
  67. drink by the eight and ninety rules
  68. subtlety therein! But exceed!
  69. o prophet? Thou knowest not, nor shalt thou
  70. he shall expound it. But remember, o
  71. and mighty among men! Lift up thyself!
  72. the number of the man; and the name of
  73. you. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law
  74. your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade, but
  75. day. Close it in locked glass for a proof to the
  76. o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to
  77. or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as
  78. it shall be to you as Why? Because of the fall of
  79. to you as Why? Because of the fall of Because,
  80. not there again. Set up my image in
  81. moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child,
  82. blood of a child, or dropping from the host of
  83. kept thick with perfumes of your
  84. orison: it shall become full of beetles as
  85. breed lust power of lust in you at the
  86. in you at the eating thereof. Also ye shall
  87. be they long kept it is better;
  88. swell with my force. All before me. My altar
  89. hand to push thy order. There is a secret
  90. thy order. There is a secret door that I
  91. secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum,
  92. House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am
  93. and secure thy pen. Establish at thy Kaaba a
  94. thou yet deadlier than he! Drag down their
  95. at their fear: spit upon them! Let
  96. go on, go on, in my strength ye shall turn not
  97. of the Beast; for in the chance shape of
  98. but one cometh after him, whence I
  99. mystery of the letters is done, and I
  100. spit on your crapulous creeds. Let Mary
  101. for beauty's sake and love's. Despise also all cowards;
  102. an end of the word of the God enthroned in
  103. Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its
  104. for your time is nigh at hand I am the Lord
  105. is ever the son The ending of the words
  106. ever the son The ending of the words is

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius