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my  light  shed  over 
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. my light shed over
  2. adore; both their
  3. naked splendour of
  4. shall bring the glory
  5. in the Secret
  6. the beauteous
  7. One but as None and
  8. of men and their
  9. all I desire of ye all.
  10. of the sword: these
  11. teach; but he may
  12. do thy will Do that and no
  13. Do that and no other shall
  14. law Sixty-one the
  15. pass through fire;
  16. there are means
  17. or saying. They are
  18. But ecstasy be
  19. be thine and joy
  20. of earth: ever To
  21. the Star. This also is
  22. black to the blind,
  23. the seeing. Also I
  24. flame therein,
  25. come to my joy. I
  26. to my joy. I charge
  27. her love-chant Sing
  28. Wear to me jewels!
  29. of Hadit. Come! all ye,
  30. the light devour
  31. and my number is
  32. just I am eight,
  33. am The Empress
  34. pain and regret
  35. not know me as yet.
  36. not of us. Beauty
  37. of kings: stamp down
  38. Star the Snake. I am
  39. and rapture: fear
  40. thee for this. I
  41. head, I and my Nuit
  42. I droop down mine
  43. a great miss. He shall fall
  44. into the pit
  45. weakness. Also reason is
  46. there is a factor
  47. ye, o my people,
  48. with joy beauty!
  49. the elements
  50. feast! rejoice!
  51. will reward you here
  52. words are said, thou shalt
  53. art emphatically
  54. all, lest perchance
  55. One. Write, find
  56. are none. Hold! Hold! Bear
  57. kisses! Harder! hold up
  58. longing shall be the
  59. glory: He that lives
  60. B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T O
  61. one to follow thee:
  62. unto thee among
  63. name, foursquare,
  64. Upon them! this
  65. worship be about
  66. Get the stele
  67. locked glass for a proof
  68. the Victorious
  69. Trample down the
  70. Hadit your light; and
  71. am the strength,
  72. strength, force,
  73. there again. Set
  74. do this. The other
  75. me to support
  76. to support me:
  77. secret; for the
  78. lust power of lust
  79. All before me. My
  80. the Snake; another
  81. the gods and death To
  82. The ways of the Khabs
  83. and of Ahathoor. I am thy
  84. ink and paper for
  85. the Book of the Law shall
  86. to drink at them,
  87. raise herself in
  88. kill her heart! Let
  89. hangs upon the cross
  90. thou wilt. There
  91. is an end of the word
  92. nemyss shrouds the

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius