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is  the  word  secret 
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. The Khabs, and behold my
  2. rule the many the
  3. These are fools that
  4. flame and to her the
  5. see me. They are as
  6. Nuit, and to him by
  7. a secret name which
  8. all! I am Nuit and my word
  9. am Nuit and my word is
  10. prophet and slave of
  11. Thou knowest! And the
  12. of thee at all since
  13. woes care not thou at
  14. ordeals I write not
  15. of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Also the
  16. and the wanga; the work of
  17. sword: these he shall learn
  18. severe the ordeals.
  19. the divided but
  20. a fool with his one one
  21. are one. But they
  22. one. But they are
  23. one palace; the floor
  24. jasper are there,
  25. not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior,
  26. world, the little world
  27. letter; for behold
  28. law of the fortress and
  29. prophet shall reveal
  30. as all their numbers
  31. numbers who are of us.
  32. the night-stars in
  33. night-stars in the
  34. kiss wilt thou then
  35. of women and spices;
  36. and spices; ye shall wear
  37. you: come unto me
  38. burn with desire
  39. of Sunset; I am the
  40. brilliance of the
  41. night sky To me! To
  42. been revealed. I
  43. not extended, and
  44. why? Because thou wast
  45. number is nine
  46. am eight, and one in
  47. folk that not know me
  48. these fellows; they
  49. law of the strong: this
  50. world. Think not, o king,
  51. remain in pure
  52. stir the hearts of
  53. tell my prophet,
  54. God shall deny thee for
  55. make a great miss. He
  56. and his Bride! A feast
  57. of the writing of
  58. for water; a feast for
  59. for the dogs. Dost thou
  60. It is the veil of
  61. it is the veil of
  62. said, thou shalt not be
  63. my chosen; and blessed
  64. in a mask of sorrow: they
  65. fallen: but I lift
  66. righteous still; he
  67. change: ye shall be as ye
  68. King. A King may choose
  69. is a King concealed! Say
  70. and to hell with them,
  71. the Kings! I am the
  72. thou bear more joy.
  73. Ah! Death! Death! Thou shalt
  74. me; to follow the love
  75. of Conquest: thus shall
  76. temple is already
  77. the abstruction
  78. shalt thyself convey
  79. at all; fear neither
  80. of Because, that he
  81. is not there again.
  82. visible object
  83. Bride are they: and
  84. of the Ordeal x. What is
  85. eating thereof.
  86. unto the God. I adore
  87. God. I adore thee in
  88. self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu
  89. Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity
  90. hand to push thy order.
  91. a secret door that I
  92. establish thy way in all
  93. this ink and paper
  94. is the word secret
  95. to dine or to drink
  96. or to drink at them,
  97. chance to abide in
  98. ones. Refuse none,
  99. thee, to overthrow
  100. to overthrow thee,
  101. he! Drag down their souls
  102. my work to toy with old
  103. her out from men: as
  104. with my force shall she
  105. cower before me,
  106. I will be at your arms
  107. on, in my strength
  108. that strangely. Let
  109. flesh of the Indian
  110. Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda!
  111. who say not so, are mere
  112. the Word Abrahadabra. The

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius