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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. the glory of the
  2. nothing: they do
  3. Nuit, and to him
  4. thing any other
  5. any other thing;
  6. consciousness of
  7. the Queen of
  8. not of thee at all
  9. art continuous.
  10. care not thou at all!
  11. joys of my love will
  12. the Queen of
  13. by the wisdom of
  14. Thelemites
  15. shall be the whole of
  16. the whole of the Law.
  17. whole of the Law. The
  18. but to do thy will
  19. secret key of
  20. with his one one
  21. signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit
  22. splendor is the
  23. There is a word to
  24. is a word to say about
  25. the fine be
  26. child of thy bowels,
  27. that child. Aum! All words
  28. stars. Love is the law,
  29. letters of my
  30. circle in the
  31. but the blue
  32. better than all
  33. willing to give
  34. but always in the
  35. in her love-chant
  36. Drink to me, for
  37. complement
  38. of Nu my bride.
  39. am everywhere,
  40. every heart of
  41. in the circle.
  42. foolish word; for it
  43. a God to live in a dog?
  44. Hadit Ra-Hoor- Khuit.
  45. wine and strange
  46. where I am. Behold!
  47. of my friends who
  48. eyes, and masses of
  49. them; there shall
  50. and the earth are
  51. a lie; for there
  52. feast for life
  53. of my rapture.
  54. ecstasy in the
  55. There is death
  56. is death for the
  57. not. Pity not
  58. am not for them.
  59. therein am I as
  60. the light of my
  61. thou shalt not be
  62. avail; thou shall reveal
  63. The stops as thou
  64. shalt obtain the
  65. find new symbols
  66. not of change: ye
  67. the earth shall be
  68. There is none
  69. concealed! Say you so?
  70. master! There
  71. uplifted in
  72. hard upon thy body.
  73. upon thee; our
  74. in writing! Work
  75. We are one; we are
  76. deep die! Ah! Ah! What
  77. mine and doubt
  78. A L G M O R Y X R P S T O V A L.
  79. shall expound it.
  80. them this glad word.
  81. there is none
  82. is defunct; all is
  83. war! I will give you a
  84. aright disposed
  85. ever. It shall not
  86. ill-ordered house
  87. me with fire
  88. spears. Let the
  89. child. But not now.
  90. not now. Ye shall see
  91. the earth. Nu is
  92. vigor of your arms.
  93. Kill and torture;
  94. thee to do this.
  95. and kept thick
  96. double-wanded one
  97. from the skies;
  98. word of Heru-ra-ha, called
  99. Whoso words are truth.
  100. in me its red
  101. red flame is as a sword
  102. door that I shall make
  103. written] as it
  104. All this and a book to say
  105. paper made by
  106. the comment?
  107. comment? That
  108. them! Let the
  109. cold and an-hungered.
  110. my way. Let her work
  111. fill her with joy:
  112. force shall she see
  113. see strike at
  114. your armour; go on, go
  115. line drawn is a key:
  116. its failure is
  117. be his child that
  118. on to the holier
  119. Mary inviolate
  120. There is an end
  121. fire. Yet to all
  122. not so, are mere
  123. of the Force of
  124. nought remains.

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius