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console  not:  I  hate  the  consoled 
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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. Hoor-paar-kraat The Khabs is in The
  2. my servants be few secret:
  3. The winged secret flame and
  4. But ye are not so chosen Burn
  5. other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
  6. to him by a secret name which
  7. you between any one thing
  8. hurt. But whoso availeth in this,
  9. availeth in this, let him be
  10. it be ever thus that men
  11. that men speak not of Thee
  12. speak not of Thee as One but
  13. not of Thee as One but as None
  14. and their woes care not thou at all!
  15. is balanced by weak joys: but ye
  16. my love will redeem ye from all
  17. ye all. Then the priest fell
  18. the mantras and spells; the obeah
  19. Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the
  20. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of
  21. Restriction. O Man! refuse
  22. are one Perfect and not two:
  23. Eight, Eighty, fourhundred
  24. initiating: There is a word
  25. given in three ways. The gross
  26. ones in the highest. Thus ye
  27. rose, and the emblems of death.
  28. or at once the four gates; let
  29. sink? But there are means and
  30. This shall regenerate the world,
  31. understand a little; solve the
  32. there are love and love. There
  33. House of God All these old letters
  34. my prophet shall reveal it to
  35. to the blind, but the blue
  36. to love me is better than all
  37. me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I
  38. earnestly to come before
  39. I who am all pleasure and purple and
  40. love-chant Sing the rapturous
  41. and the cube in the circle.
  42. Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have
  43. Thee which thou knewest not
  44. force and fire, are of us. We have
  45. stir the hearts of men with
  46. strong, o man, lust, enjoy all things
  47. by magnificent beasts of
  48. hair about them; there shall ye
  49. console not: I hate the consoled
  50. gold in the light of my bride:
  51. the red gleam is in my eyes
  52. are the eyes that thou shalt look
  53. kings of the earth shall be Kings
  54. or lifted up: all is ever as it was.
  55. concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be
  56. If he be a King, thou canst not
  57. thine heart and the kisses of
  58. stars rain hard upon thy body. Thou
  59. rapid and laughterful than a caress
  60. find ecstasy in writing! Work
  61. shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal
  62. our agelong love. Come! lift up
  63. heart rejoice! We are one; we
  64. hope in other spells. Wisdom says:
  65. unto thee among men or among
  66. spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Now let it
  67. about my secret house Get
  68. world. This shall be your only proof. I
  69. shall be your only proof. I forbid
  70. well its name, it shall be to you as
  71. be to you as Why? Because of the
  72. be suddenly easy for thee to
  73. rich fresh blood! The best blood
  74. eating thereof. Also ye shall be
  75. said the prophet unto the
  76. am the Lord of Thebes, and I The
  77. inspired forth-speaker of
  78. death To tremble before
  79. thou hast written] as it is said.
  80. or no; it is no odds. Do this quickly!
  81. burning in thy heart shall make
  82. heart shall make swift and secure
  83. way. The ordeals thou shalt oversee
  84. Ra-Hoor-Khuit and I am powerful to
  85. her raise herself in pride.
  86. Let her kill her heart! Let her
  87. achieve Hadit. I am the warrior
  88. from it. Now this mystery of
  89. on to the holier place. I am in
  90. holier place. I am in a secret
  91. Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of
  92. Despise also all cowards; professional
  93. and the lofty; ye are brothers!
  94. Do what thou wilt. There is an end
  95. mere liars. There is success
  96. of the Force of Coph Nia but
  97. the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius