Search The Liber AL


aught  Beware!  Hold!  Raise 
57   86   19   66  
  143   105   85
    162   171  

Matches from Liber AL:

  1. is no difference
  2. lord of Thebes, in my
  3. Let my servants be
  4. in you. My ecstasy is
  5. you. My ecstasy is in
  6. prince-priest
  7. upon the earth I am
  8. upon the black earth
  9. her lithe body arched
  10. knowest! And the sign shall
  11. pain of division is
  12. these fools of men and
  13. love will redeem ye
  14. give, by all I desire
  15. Heaven Write unto
  16. change this book; but
  17. be it to the aeons.
  18. aeons. Hell. Let it be
  19. and not two: nay, are none!
  20. unite by thine
  21. Abrogate are all rituals,
  22. are all rituals, all ordeals, all words
  23. also are one. But they
  24. jasmine rose, and the
  25. whom I send this kiss. Also, o
  26. therein. The child
  27. Expect him not
  28. in the clear light, and
  29. fools mistake love; for
  30. who are of us. The five
  31. me. But to love me
  32. be willing to give all:
  33. shall lose all in that hour. Ye
  34. lose all in that hour. Ye shall
  35. hour. Ye shall gather goods and
  36. women and spices; ye
  37. charge you earnestly
  38. me in a single robe
  39. ones be purged by
  40. and the Exorcist I
  41. thou hast ill will to learn
  42. with blindness. For I
  43. for the poor and sad: the
  44. the weak: this is the
  45. not harm ye at all. It is
  46. Victorious armies,
  47. this. Beware lest any
  48. about to spring: in
  49. I lift up my head, I
  50. droop down mine head, and
  51. pit called Because,
  52. there he shall perish
  53. stops does nought. If
  54. Prophet secret,
  55. eternal ecstasy in
  56. damned dead! Amen. [This
  57. vices in virtuous
  58. the eyes that thou
  59. mask of sorrow: they that
  60. be filthy still. Yea!
  61. ye shall be as ye are, not
  62. rain hard upon thy body.
  63. Ah! thy death shall be lovely:
  64. thy rapture; fall not
  65. help hope in other
  66. other spells. Wisdom says:
  67. doubt it not, and if
  68. thou art ever joyous!
  69. glory: He that lives long
  70. words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T O
  71. word not known. Spelling
  72. not known. Spelling is
  73. aught Beware! Hold! Raise
  74. ever. It shall not fade,
  75. Scarlet Concubine
  76. men, nor Fates, nor gods,
  77. not; be upon them.
  78. with perfumes of
  79. eating thereof. Also
  80. there standeth and shall
  81. me! Aum! let it fill
  82. bliss or no; it is no odds. Do
  83. Do this quickly! But
  84. not overmuch. Them
  85. awful torment: laugh at
  86. sweetnesses then
  87. follow me in my way. Let
  88. covered with jewels,
  89. Then will I lift her
  90. the warrior Lord of the
  91. discover the key of
  92. all. Then this line drawn
  93. its failure is a key
  94. wings in the face of
  95. Through the second gold
  96. the second gold Through
  97. second gold Through the
  98. is nigh at hand I am the
  99. hand I am the Lord of the
  100. Power the wand of the
  101. of the Force of Coph
  102. crushed an Universe
  103. Word Abrahadabra. The Book of

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius