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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. heaven Every man and
  2. my servants be few
  3. adore; both their Gods
  4. is in yours My joy is
  5. secret flame and to
  6. stooping starlight.
  7. I am nothing: they do
  8. nothing: they do not
  9. beauteous one. Who am
  10. her lovely brows and the
  11. in a sweet smelling
  12. the chance of union.
  13. follow out the ordeals of
  14. ye from all pain. This
  15. from all pain. This is so:
  16. by all I can give, by all I
  17. of the sword: these he
  18. ordeals. The word of the Law
  19. calls us Thelemites
  20. be the whole of the Law.
  21. are none! Nothing is
  22. My prophet is a fool
  23. in the East at the
  24. are three ordeals in
  25. gross must pass through
  26. enter in turn or
  27. turn or at once the
  28. let him stand on the
  29. palace. Will he not sink?
  30. fine apparel eat
  31. ecstasy be thine
  32. rest, ecstasy: nor do I
  33. of Eternity. My
  34. be willing to give
  35. ye shall wear rich jewels;
  36. shall wear rich jewels; ye
  37. wear rich jewels; ye shall
  38. ye shall exceed the
  39. of the innermost
  40. desire you. Put on
  41. bare and rejoicing
  42. of Nu my bride. I am
  43. Life, and the giver
  44. have worshipped me;
  45. wast the knower, and me.
  46. yet. These are dead,
  47. the poor and sad: the lords
  48. no God where I am. Behold!
  49. of my friends who be
  50. another, King against
  51. is rapture of the
  52. great miss. He shall fall down
  53. upon Because and his
  54. If Power asks why, then
  55. of the Prophet and
  56. Amen. [This is of the
  57. none of me. Tear down
  58. and hereafter. Fear
  59. thee in a mask of sorrow:
  60. laugh in my honour ye shall
  61. in my honour ye shall laugh
  62. that is righteous shall
  63. down or lifted up: all is
  64. all, lest perchance is a
  65. King concealed! Say you
  66. I am uplifted in
  67. art overcome: we are
  68. in writing! Work be
  69. thy death shall be lovely:
  70. shall be the seal of the
  71. eight and ninety
  72. and if thou art ever
  73. all Ah! Ah! Death! Death! Thou shalt
  74. one to follow thee: he
  75. to follow the love of Nu
  76. the star-lit heaven;
  77. number of the man;
  78. is defunct; all is not
  79. Hold! Raise the spell of
  80. War and of Vengeance. I
  81. ye an island! Fortify
  82. shall come back to it day
  83. back to it day after
  84. it day after day. Close
  85. day after day. Close it
  86. their flesh to eat!
  87. your refuge as Hadit
  88. refuge as Hadit your
  89. as Hadit your light; and I
  90. spare not; be upon
  91. shall breed lust power
  92. my force. All before
  93. thy order. There is
  94. There is a secret
  95. as thou hast written] as
  96. Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and
  97. hand; and to each man and woman
  98. abide in this bliss
  99. But the work of the
  100. Refuse none, but
  101. or quarter destroy
  102. streets, and die cold
  103. pride. Let her follow
  104. her with joy: with my
  105. the worship of Nu. she
  106. your arms in battle
  107. back for any. This book shall
  108. Then this line drawn
  109. of the letters is
  110. holier place. I am in a
  111. he hangs upon the cross
  112. Mary inviolate be
  113. seem beautiful.
  114. time is nigh at hand
  115. an Universe nought

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius