Search The Liber AL


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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. behold my light shed over you.
  2. is in the Secret word which
  3. my lord Hadit. Now therefore
  4. penetrant, her lovely hands
  5. love and her soft feet not
  6. O Nuit, continuous one of
  7. faint faery, of the stars, and
  8. dissolution all. For these fools
  9. and their woes care not thou
  10. these he shall learn and teach. He
  11. to do thy will Do that and no other
  12. from the lust of result, is
  13. a fool with his one one one: are
  14. of the Gods and let Asar be with
  15. Lord initiating: There
  16. of that palace is of silver and
  17. not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy
  18. not aright; if ye confound
  19. This shall regenerate the
  20. heart my tongue, unto whom
  21. absolve thee But ecstasy
  22. me To me Change not as much
  23. house cometh that child. Aum! All
  24. light, and some though not all in
  25. five pointed star, with
  26. than all things: if under the
  27. desert thou presently
  28. to lie in my bosom. For one
  29. whoso gives one particle of
  30. in that hour. Ye shall gather goods
  31. love you I yearn to you. Pale
  32. of the innermost sense
  33. sense desire you. Put on
  34. eyes shall burn with desire
  35. me! calling forth the flame
  36. Hadit. Come! all ye, and learn the
  37. learn the secret that hath
  38. I am not extended, and Khabs
  39. yet therefore is the
  40. ye that existence is
  41. a veiling of this shrine: now
  42. Hierophant. Thus eleven as
  43. die, but live! Now let it
  44. with drunkeness. To worship
  45. of innocence is a lie. Be
  46. There is great danger in
  47. asks why, then is Power weakness.
  48. rightly performed with
  49. pleasure of uttermost
  50. There is death for the dogs.
  51. I am not for them. I console
  52. not for them. I console not:
  53. therein am I as a babe in an
  54. sorry. Thou art emphatically
  55. that thou meanest nought
  56. thou shalt find new symbols to
  57. He that is righteous shall be
  58. shall be cast down or lifted up: all
  59. masked ones my servants: it
  60. splendour rapture! Come
  61. joyous! death is the crown of all Ah! Ah!
  62. crown of all Ah! Ah! Death! Death! Thou shalt
  63. The length of thy longing shall
  64. the numbers the words: A B K A L G
  65. But remember, o chosen
  66. this glad word. O be thou proud and
  67. the number of the man; and
  68. number of the man; and the
  69. man; and the name of thy house
  70. it be first understood
  71. back to it day after day. Close
  72. This shall be your only proof. I
  73. me: let blood flow to my name.
  74. Ye shall see that hour, o blessed
  75. of your arms. Mercy let be
  76. off; damn them who pity. Kill
  77. spare not; be upon them.
  78. around me to support me:
  79. honey thick leavings of red
  80. thick leavings of red wine;
  81. soften smooth down with rich
  82. then of enemies; then
  83. my throne and place. Another
  84. to establish thy way in all the
  85. rays consume Me: I have made
  86. Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I
  87. light, Hadit! Abide with me
  88. in it is the word secret
  89. drink at them, it is the Law
  90. argue not: convert not: talk
  91. or quarter destroy them
  92. with old sweetnesses then
  93. harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet
  94. wickedness! Let her kill her
  95. her heart! Let her be loud and
  96. earth I will fill her with joy:
  97. say not, who shall discover the key
  98. eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon
  99. Jesus as he hangs upon the cross
  100. upon wheels: for her sake let
  101. also all cowards; professional soldiers
  102. Let him come through the
  103. second gold Through the third,
  104. of precious water. Through
  105. intimate fire. Yet
  106. your time is nigh at hand I
  107. ever the son The ending

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius