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Matches from Liber AL:

  1. both their
  2. are fools. Come
  3. ardours of Hadit.
  4. so chosen Burn
  5. add, multiply
  6. bending down,
  7. for love and her
  8. Sweat O Nuit,
  9. let it be
  10. all! They feel
  11. unto us the law.
  12. rituals shall be
  13. the wisdom of
  14. Let it be
  15. of purpose,
  16. perfect
  17. Perfect
  18. Perfect
  19. Perfect
  20. say about the
  21. gates to one
  22. not sink? Amn. Ho!
  23. apparel eat
  24. me. If this
  25. assuage thee
  26. in the clear
  27. light, and some
  28. let the fools
  29. number is as
  30. with a circle
  31. the blue gold
  32. that love me.
  33. bosom. For one
  34. to you. Pale or
  35. To me! calling
  36. love-song unto
  37. for I love you!
  38. worshipper.
  39. they pass are
  40. thou hast ill will
  41. hand the pen;
  42. perfect,
  43. eleven as my
  44. eleven. Hear
  45. to the dead and
  46. and the dying,
  47. feel not. We
  48. and sad: the lords of
  49. live in a dog? No!
  50. this is the law
  51. law and the joy of
  52. let it be
  53. strange drugs
  54. there are also
  55. Now think not
  56. large limbs, and
  57. about them;
  58. shall see them
  59. your pride
  60. runes shall make
  61. dogs of Reason. Now a
  62. May Because
  63. ever! If Will
  64. reason is a lie;
  65. awake! Let the
  66. the three
  67. am these are
  68. the there
  69. in my eyes
  70. light higher
  71. look upon with
  72. thou availest:
  73. value! Thou shalt
  74. shall be as ye are,
  75. servants: it
  76. garment as he
  77. thy body. Thou
  78. worm. Oh! thou art
  79. not in swoon of
  80. Ah! What do I feel?
  81. death much is
  82. K A L G M O R Y X R P S
  83. O R Y X R P S T O V A L.
  84. up thyself, o
  85. aught Beware!
  86. let it be
  87. this is the Law
  88. back to it day
  89. folk folly, nor any
  90. be to you as Why?
  91. East: thou shalt
  92. an image which
  93. unlike the
  94. shall cluster to
  95. exalt me. I
  96. let it be
  97. things sacred
  98. my throne and
  99. another soul of
  100. terrible
  101. let it fill
  102. O winged snake
  103. snake of light,
  104. of the Law shall be
  105. paper made
  106. to abide in
  107. shall make swift
  108. strike! Be
  109. deadlier than
  110. and compassion
  111. compassion and
  112. as a shrinking and
  113. pride. Let
  114. in my way. Let
  115. kill her heart!
  116. be covered
  117. mightier
  118. any. This book shall
  119. to try: but
  120. want to go on to
  121. soldiers who dare
  122. to me come
  123. it not. Let
  124. glorious, as the

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius