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you!  I  love  you!  I 
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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. known. These are
  2. I am above you and
  3. the stars into
  4. stars into the
  5. But to him is
  6. thereof do ye
  7. ye also thus. Bind
  8. body. Then the
  9. the priest
  10. body in a sweet
  11. of Sweat O Nuit,
  12. at all! They feel
  13. the vault of my
  14. the priest
  15. ordeals I write
  16. rituals shall be half
  17. thou writest
  18. the priest
  19. he shall comment
  20. if she will. O lover,
  21. she will. O lover, if
  22. say nay. For pure
  23. and not two: nay, are
  24. Let Asar be the
  25. sink? Amn. Ho! warrior,
  26. from the West,
  27. not all in the dark.
  28. is not the Star.
  29. is secret: my
  30. I have a secret
  31. if under the
  32. a pure heart and
  33. store of women
  34. rich jewels; ye
  35. the love of me,
  36. she stands bare and
  37. you! I love you! I
  38. ye, and learn the
  39. extended, and
  40. and in the core
  41. let the light
  42. with blindness.
  43. but with the
  44. and regret Are
  45. this is the law of
  46. be understood
  47. pure ecstasy
  48. drugs whereof I
  49. lie. Be strong,
  50. o man, lust, enjoy
  51. there are also of
  52. shall see them at
  53. of your pride
  54. one. If I droop
  55. then is Power
  56. dog! But ye, o my
  57. Art thou sorry? Is
  58. I am not of the
  59. of the there
  60. red gleam is in
  61. said, thou shalt not
  62. I lift thee
  63. thee up. Nor shall
  64. ye shall laugh not long:
  65. than death, more
  66. than a caress of Hell's
  67. Hell's own worm. Oh! thou
  68. death! Ah! thy death
  69. be glad. Thy death
  70. breathe not so
  71. ever to more!
  72. R Y X R P S T O V A L. What
  73. remember, o
  74. one, to be me;
  75. the stars. They
  76. hardly with them.
  77. island! Fortify
  78. you a war-engine.
  79. this is the Law of
  80. Kiblah for ever.
  81. blood; worship me
  82. his desire! Ye
  83. not to undergo
  84. nor Fates, nor gods,
  85. Fates, nor gods, nor
  86. gods, nor anything.
  87. the others are
  88. What is this? Thou
  89. the priest
  90. is of open brass
  91. from the West
  92. gold upon thee.
  93. To the Hawk-headed
  94. thee in the
  95. forth-speaker
  96. the quarters
  97. mine; its rays
  98. Tum, Of Khephra
  99. Ta-Nech I weave
  100. O winged snake of
  101. thy comment
  102. abide in this
  103. with business
  104. destroy them
  105. awful torment:
  106. be known. I will slay
  107. I will alienate
  108. through dusk wet
  109. I am the warrior
  110. shall discover the
  111. fourfold word the
  112. sake let all chaste
  113. beauty's sake and
  114. enthroned in

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius