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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. difference Help me, o warrior lord
  2. be few secret: they shall rule the
  3. you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy is
  4. The winged globe, the starry blue,
  5. is The winged secret flame and to
  6. Adorer I am nothing: they do not see
  7. me. They are as upon the earth I am
  8. therefore I am known to ye by my
  9. ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a
  10. Let there be no difference
  11. lambent flame of blue, all-touching all
  12. omnipresence of my body. Then
  13. of her light bathing his whole body in a
  14. for love's sake, for the chance of union.
  15. the creation of the world that the
  16. little; what is, is balanced by weak joys:
  17. out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek
  18. of Heaven Write unto us the ordeals
  19. one letter change this book; but
  20. Three Grades. The Hermit and the
  21. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
  22. other shall say nay. For pure will, unassuaged
  23. of me Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the
  24. through fire; let the fine be
  25. wines and wines that foam. Also, take your
  26. and will of love as ye will, when, where and with
  27. will, when, where and with whom ye will. But
  28. many; if the ritual be not ever
  29. God All these old letters of my Book are
  30. My number is as all their numbers
  31. five pointed star, with a circle
  32. the seeing. Also I have a secret glory
  33. me. But to love me is better
  34. and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you
  35. joy. I charge you earnestly to come
  36. coiled splendour within you: come
  37. say and her eyes shall burn with desire as
  38. are black. Let the evil ones be cast
  39. wheel, and the cube in the circle.
  40. Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill,
  41. ill will to learn this writing. I see
  42. Thee which thou knewest not for why?
  43. and me. Now let there be a veiling
  44. and one in eight: Which is vital, for I
  45. The Empress and the King are not
  46. the Hierophant. Thus eleven as my
  47. outcast and the unfit: let them
  48. and the unfit: let them die in
  49. they feel not. Compassion is the
  50. Hadit Ra-Hoor- Khuit. The Sun, Strength
  51. be grave mysteries; for there
  52. be in them a joy a million times
  53. am the secret Serpent coiled
  54. in my coiling there is joy. If I
  55. and I and the earth are one. There is
  56. with the dogs of Reason. Now a curse upon
  57. and feasts of the times. A feast for
  58. A feast for fire and a feast for water;
  59. feast for fire and a feast for water; a
  60. for fire and a feast for water; a feast
  61. fire and a feast for water; a feast for
  62. fallen! I never knew them. I am not
  63. am not of the slaves that perish. Be
  64. me. Tear down that lying spectre
  65. these vices are my service: ye
  66. that thou meanest nought avail; thou
  67. long: then when ye are sad know that I have
  68. all, lest perchance is a King concealed!
  69. a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a
  70. o prophet a light undesired, most
  71. up thine heart rejoice! We are
  72. are one; we are none. Hold! Hold! Bear up in
  73. Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted?
  74. is help hope in other spells. Wisdom
  75. if thou love, exceed by delicacy;
  76. shalt long for death. Death is forbidden,
  77. the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R
  78. L G M O R Y X R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o
  79. expound it. But remember,
  80. upon men, to tell them this glad word.
  81. like unto thee among men or among
  82. not aught Beware! Hold! Raise the spell
  83. none shall stand before you. Lurk! Withdraw!
  84. it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall
  85. will give you of their flesh to eat!
  86. Ye shall be sad thereof. Deem not too
  87. the strength, force, vigor of your
  88. thee, especial, not unlike the
  89. easy for thee to do this. The other
  90. is this? Thou shalt know. For perfume
  91. Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded
  92. shall mingle in the globed priest;
  93. Lord of Thebes, and I The inspired
  94. veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu
  95. in me its red flame is as a sword in my
  96. is the word secret not only in the
  97. and woman that thou meetest, were
  98. were it but to dine or to drink
  99. with business way. The ordeals thou shalt
  100. shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl
  101. let her be covered with jewels, and
  102. you to victory joy: I will be at your
  103. to victory joy: I will be at your arms
  104. I will be at your arms in battle ye
  105. courage is your armour; go on, go on, in my
  106. the Beast; for in the chance shape
  107. letters and their position to
  108. squared in its failure is a key also. And
  109. be his child that strangely. Let him
  110. his child that strangely. Let him not
  111. Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol and Din.
  112. Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your
  113. There is an end of the word of the God
  114. the girders of the soul. To Me do ye
  115. the intimate fire. Yet to all
  116. world! for your time is nigh at hand I am

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius