Multi Book Search


streets,  and  die  cold  and 
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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. then The Khabs, and behold
  2. I am above you and in you.
  3. yours My joy is to see
  4. of Nuit; She bends in
  5. therefore I am known
  6. speak not of thee at all
  7. For these fools of men
  8. is so: I swear it by the
  9. the threefold book of
  10. the Lover and the man of
  11. but to do thy will Do that
  12. of result, is every way
  13. Isa the sufferer; Hoor
  14. in three ways. The gross
  15. to one palace; the floor
  16. wines that foam. Also, take
  17. This shall regenerate
  18. ecstasy be thine and
  19. not from the East nor
  20. Invoke me under my
  21. the fools mistake love;
  22. God All these old letters
  23. than all things: if under
  24. willing to give all: but
  25. spices; ye shall wear rich
  26. splendour within you:
  27. Hadit. Come! all ye, and learn
  28. is nowhere found. Yet
  29. the old time are black.
  30. the prophet! The shall
  31. yet therefore is
  32. O prophet! thou hast ill
  33. this writing. I see
  34. Because thou wast the
  35. there be a veiling
  36. have nothing with the
  37. not die, but live! Now
  38. find them. Ye shall see
  39. danger in me; for who doth
  40. performed with joy
  41. water; a feast for life
  42. feast for death A feast
  43. I lift thee up. Nor
  44. thou meanest nought
  45. attribute them
  46. still. Yea! deem not of
  47. may choose his garment as
  48. a beggar cannot hide his
  49. we are upon thee; our
  50. the joy of life death!
  51. length of thy longing shall
  52. desires death much is
  53. numbers the words: A B K A L G
  54. number of the man; and
  55. with them. Choose ye an
  56. shall my worship be about
  57. day. Close it in locked glass
  58. big: after a child. But
  59. the curses. Ye, even
  60. anything. Money fear
  61. thee an image which I
  62. the Ordeal x. What is this?
  63. beetles as it were
  64. before you. Also these
  65. My altar is of open brass
  66. thereon in silver or
  67. fly or to smite. But
  68. to establish thy way in all
  69. rays consume Me: I have
  70. All this and a book to say how thou
  71. didst come hither and a
  72. beautifully in red
  73. made by hand; and to each man
  74. business way. The ordeals
  75. he! Drag down their souls to
  76. her heart: I will cast her
  77. streets, and die cold and
  78. her heart! Let her be
  79. mightier than all the
  80. it. Now this mystery
  81. With my Hawk's head I peck
  82. I peck at the eyes
  83. of Mohammed blind him
  84. professional soldiers who
  85. who dare not fight, but
  86. an end of the word of the
  87. Let him come through
  88. mere liars. There is
  89. liars. There is success
  90. name hidden and glorious,

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius