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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest apostle of infinite space is the
  2. they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men. For he is ever
  3. am Nuit and my word is six and fifty Divide, add, multiply and understand. Then
  4. men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by
  5. their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys:
  6. and half concealed: the Law is for all This that thou writest is the threefold book of
  7. and the work of the sword: these he shall learn and teach. He must teach; but he may make
  8. if she will. O lover, if thou wilt, depart. There is no bond that can unite the
  9. thou wilt, depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all
  10. unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed! be it to
  11. two: nay, are none! Nothing is a secret key of this law Sixty-one the Jews call it;
  12. art so that all disappear. My prophet is a fool with his one one one: are not they
  13. his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods and let Asar be with Isa who also are
  14. gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in intellect, and
  15. and all rare scents jasmine rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in
  16. judgments of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. This shall regenerate the world, the little world my
  17. assuage thee nor absolve thee But ecstasy be thine and joy of earth: ever
  18. East nor from the West, for from no expected house cometh that child. Aum!
  19. from no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and all prophets
  20. equation, leave the second unattacked But thou hast all in the clear light, and
  21. all in the dark. Invoke me under my stars. Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the
  22. the fortress and the great mystery of the House of God All these old letters
  23. is not the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise. I
  24. my prophet shall reveal it to the wise. I give unimaginable joys on earth:
  25. peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy: nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. My
  26. their numbers who are of us. The five pointed star, with a circle in the
  27. burnest mine incense before me invoking me with a pure heart
  28. that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye
  29. of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me
  30. ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come before me in a single
  31. rich headdress. I love you I yearn to you. Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous
  32. the good ones be purged by the prophet! The shall this knowledge go aright. I
  33. Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper. Remember all
  34. the worshipper. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that
  35. the pen; but I am stronger. Because of me in Thee which thou knewest
  36. but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none
  37. the dying, The folk that not know me as yet. These are dead, these fellows; they
  38. are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk. Is a God to live in a
  39. but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with
  40. a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King
  41. your pride in the day of your wrath. Ye are against the people, O my chosen! I
  42. There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make
  43. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs
  44. why, then is Power weakness. Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite
  45. for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods. A feast for
  46. fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death A feast
  47. ecstasy in the kisses of Nu. There is death for the dogs. Dost thou fail? Art thou
  48. Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart? Where I am these are not. Pity not
  49. in thine heart? Where I am these are not. Pity not the fallen! I never
  50. the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, the pall of death: this is none of me.
  51. ye do well, I will reward you here and hereafter. Fear not, o prophet, when these
  52. aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest:
  53. not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters change them not in style or
  54. even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I
  55. hell with them, master! There is a light before thine eyes o prophet
  56. I am uplifted in thine heart and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy
  57. death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell's own worm. Oh! thou art overcome: we
  58. splendour rapture! Come in our passionate peace, write sweet words for
  59. am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One. Write, find ecstasy in writing!
  60. thou art the Holy Chosen One. Write, find ecstasy in writing! Work be our bed
  61. seeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our agelong love.
  62. Come! lift up thine heart rejoice! We are one; we are none. Hold! Hold! Bear up
  63. the word exhausted? There is help hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong!
  64. crown of all Ah! Ah! Death! Death! Thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee.
  65. long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee. The length of thy longing shall
  66. is ever the King among the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L
  67. the King among the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R
  68. R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not, nor shalt thou know ever.
  69. of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word. O
  70. thou proud and mighty among men! Lift up thyself! for there is none like
  71. ye an island! Fortify it! Dung it about with enginery of war! I will give you a
  72. with enginery of war! I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the
  73. that temple is already aright disposed it shall be your Kiblah for ever. It shall
  74. ye, know not this meaning all. Fear not at all; fear neither men, nor Fates, nor gods,
  75. of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the
  76. be to you as Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again. Set
  77. am the visible object of worship; the others are secret; for the Beast
  78. What is this? Thou shalt know. For perfume mix meal honey thick leavings of red
  79. things sacred unto me. These slay, naming you enemies they shall fall before
  80. Also these shall breed lust power of lust in you at the eating thereof. Also ye shall
  81. kept it is better; for they swell with my force. All before me. My altar
  82. a rich man from the West who shall pour his gold upon thee. From gold forge steel: Be
  83. of the Great Equinox, when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-wanded one assume
  84. assume my throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever
  85. poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord! The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat
  86. Khu! Lighten the ways of the Ka! The ways of the Khabs run through To stir me or still
  87. have made a secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy
  88. thy star-splendour, O Nuit! Bid me within thine House to dwell, O winged snake
  89. a book to say how thou didst come hither and a reproduction of this ink and paper
  90. of the comment? That is easy; and Hadit burning in thy heart shall make swift and
  91. way. The ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind ones. Refuse none,
  92. shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind ones. Refuse none, but thou shalt know
  93. Refuse none, but thou shalt know destroy the traitors. I am Ra-Hoor-Khuit and I am
  94. thee, them attack without pity or quarter destroy them utterly.
  95. Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous; let her be covered with
  96. and let her be shameless before all men! Then will I lift her to pinnacles of
  97. these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try:
  98. no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him,
  99. seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the
  100. him, whence I say not, who shall discover the key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key:
  101. Curse them! Curse them! Curse them! With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes
  102. he hangs upon the cross I flap my wings in the face of Mohammed blind him With
  103. flap my wings in the face of Mohammed blind him With my claws I tear out the
  104. wilt. There is an end of the word of the God enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening
  105. seat, lightening the girders of the soul. To Me do ye reverence; to me
  106. Yet to all it shall seem beautiful. Its enemies who say not so, are mere liars.

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius