Liber AL
Multi Book Search
Liber AL
LIBER Taw-Yod-Shin-Aleph-Resh-Bet (ThIShARB)
Principia Discordia
Liber Stella Rubeae
Liber LXXXIV Vel Chanokh
The Bible
Matches from Liber Al:
known. These are
I am above you and
the stars into
stars into the
But to him is
thereof do ye
ye also thus. Bind
body. Then the
the priest
body in a sweet
of Sweat O Nuit,
at all! They feel
the vault of my
the priest
ordeals I write
rituals shall be half
thou writest
the priest
he shall comment
if she will. O lover,
she will. O lover, if
say nay. For pure
and not two: nay, are
Let Asar be the
sink? Amn. Ho! warrior,
from the West,
not all in the dark.
is not the Star.
is secret: my
I have a secret
if under the
a pure heart and
store of women
rich jewels; ye
the love of me,
she stands bare and
you! I love you! I
ye, and learn the
extended, and
and in the core
let the light
with blindness.
but with the
and regret Are
this is the law of
be understood
pure ecstasy
drugs whereof I
lie. Be strong,
o man, lust, enjoy
there are also of
shall see them at
of your pride
one. If I droop
then is Power
dog! But ye, o my
Art thou sorry? Is
I am not of the
of the there
red gleam is in
said, thou shalt not
I lift thee
thee up. Nor shall
ye shall laugh not long:
than death, more
than a caress of Hell's
Hell's own worm. Oh! thou
death! Ah! thy death
be glad. Thy death
breathe not so
ever to more!
R Y X R P S T O V A L. What
remember, o
one, to be me;
the stars. They
hardly with them.
island! Fortify
you a war-engine.
this is the Law of
Kiblah for ever.
blood; worship me
his desire! Ye
not to undergo
nor Fates, nor gods,
Fates, nor gods, nor
gods, nor anything.
the others are
What is this? Thou
the priest
is of open brass
from the West
gold upon thee.
To the Hawk-headed
thee in the
the quarters
mine; its rays
Tum, Of Khephra
Ta-Nech I weave
O winged snake of
thy comment
abide in this
with business
destroy them
awful torment:
be known. I will slay
I will alienate
through dusk wet
I am the warrior
shall discover the
fourfold word the
sake let all chaste
beauty's sake and
enthroned in
Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius