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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. my tongue. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of
  2. Khu in the Khabs Worship then The Khabs, and behold my light shed over
  3. forth, o children, under the stars take your fill of love. I am above
  4. fill of love. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy
  5. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy is to see
  6. you. My ecstasy is in yours My joy is to see your joy Above, the
  7. shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory
  8. into the hearts of men. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to
  9. earth I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.
  10. the chief of all! I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty Divide, add,
  11. and fifty Divide, add, multiply and understand. Then saith the
  12. the prophet and slave of the beauteous one. Who am I, and what shall be
  13. prophet and slave of the beauteous one. Who am I, and what shall be the
  14. I, and what shall be the sign. So she answered him, bending down, a lambent
  15. Heaven, let it be ever thus that men speak not of Thee as
  16. for the chance of union. This is the creation of the world that
  17. the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear
  18. can give, by all I desire of ye all. Then the priest fell into a
  19. Write unto us the ordeals write unto us the rituals write
  20. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the
  21. depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but
  22. thine art so that all disappear. My prophet is a fool with his one
  23. Book. Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken
  24. Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendor is the
  25. initiating: There is a word to say about the Hierophantic
  26. about the Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals
  27. to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold, lapis lazuli
  28. him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand
  29. once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will
  30. him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if
  31. of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will. But always unto me. If
  32. and some though not all in the dark. Invoke me under my stars. Love is
  33. old letters of my Book are aright; but is not the Star. This also is
  34. come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then
  35. particle of dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of
  36. and spices; ye shall wear rich jewels; ye shall exceed the nations of
  37. the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly
  38. of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come
  39. purple, veiled or voluptuous I who am all pleasure and purple and
  40. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say and her eyes
  41. and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing
  42. bare and rejoicing in my Secret Temple To me! To me!
  43. Temple To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts
  44. Nu! the hiding of Hadit. Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath
  45. learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I Hadit
  46. known I never. Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let
  47. there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour
  48. a further secret. I am The Empress the Hierophant. Thus
  49. is eleven. Hear me, ye people of sighing! The sorrows of pain
  50. are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk. Is a
  51. kinsfolk. Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They
  52. live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our
  53. not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt
  54. o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt not
  55. not die, but live! Now let it be understood If the body of
  56. Strength Sight, Light these are for the servants of the Star
  57. exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man, lust, enjoy
  58. find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at Victorious armies, at
  59. I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of
  60. earth, and I and the earth are one. There is great danger in me;
  61. Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason. Now a curse
  62. accursed for ever! If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because,
  63. stops does nought. If Power asks why, then is Power weakness. Also reason
  64. rise up awake! Let the rituals be rightly performed with
  65. eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu. There is death for the
  66. is of the there is a fifth who is invisible therein am I as
  67. prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art
  68. that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask
  69. nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of
  70. mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then
  71. He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy
  72. masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King.
  73. am uplifted in thine heart and the kisses of the stars rain
  74. sweeter than death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell's
  75. rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell's own worm. Oh! thou art overcome:
  76. die! Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted? There is help hope
  77. I feel? Is the word exhausted? There is help hope in other
  78. King among the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L
  79. star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.
  80. upon men, to tell them this glad word. O be thou proud and mighty
  81. men! Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee
  82. Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and
  83. with them. Choose ye an island! Fortify it! Dung it about with
  84. a child. But not now. Ye shall see that hour, o blessed Beast, and thou the
  85. o blessed Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine of his desire!
  86. neither men, nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not,
  87. upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit
  88. Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them. That stele they
  89. of Because, that he is not there again. Set up my image in
  90. then oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and afterward soften smooth down
  91. best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or
  92. child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies;
  93. dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then
  94. of some beast, no matter what. This burn: of this make cakes eat
  95. from the skies; another woman shall awake the lust worship of the Snake;
  96. poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord! The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha,
  97. For me unveils the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whoso words
  98. God, Who makest the gods and death To tremble before Thee:- I, I
  99. in the English and thy comment upon this the Book of the Law shall
  100. made by hand; and to each man and woman that thou meetest, were it
  101. to toy with old sweetnesses then shall my vengeance be known. I
  102. will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking
  103. cower before me, are abased I will bring you to victory joy: I
  104. letters and their position to one another: in these are
  105. professional soldiers who dare not fight, but play: all fools despise
  106. ye. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. There is an end of the
  107. is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. There is an end of the word of the God
  108. girders of the soul. To Me do ye reverence; to me come ye
  109. is bliss. The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment he
  110. he understandeth it not. Let him come through the first
  111. it not. Let him come through the first ordeal it will be to
  112. say not so, are mere liars. There is success I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of
  113. of Strength; my nemyss shrouds the night-blue sky. Hail! ye twin
  114. my nemyss shrouds the night-blue sky. Hail! ye twin warriors about
  115. is ever the son The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra. The

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius