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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. not The Khu in the Khabs Worship then The Khabs, and behold my
  2. a moon. But to him is The winged secret flame and to her
  3. brows, o splendrous serpent! O azure-lidded woman, bend upon
  4. there be no difference made among you between
  5. for thereby there cometh hurt. But whoso availeth in
  6. let him be the chief of all! I am Nuit and my word is six and
  7. Nuit and my word is six and fifty Divide, add, multiply and
  8. six and fifty Divide, add, multiply and understand. Then
  9. Thee as One but as None and let them speak not of thee
  10. only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain.
  11. all. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon said
  12. fell into a deep trance or swoon said unto the Queen of
  13. But she said the ordeals I write not the rituals shall be half
  14. threefold book of Law My scribe Ankh-af-na-Khonsu the priest
  15. of the princes shall not in one letter change this book;
  16. the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand
  17. work of the wand and the work of the sword: these he shall learn and teach.
  18. is Restriction. O Man! refuse not thy wife if she will.
  19. taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods
  20. of me Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his
  21. the adorant, Isa the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and
  22. must pass through fire; let the fine be tried in
  23. and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star
  24. the other. There are four gates to one palace; the floor
  25. the floor of that palace is of silver and gold, lapis lazuli jasper
  26. scents jasmine rose, and the emblems of death. Let him
  27. let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho!
  28. with whom ye will. But always unto me. If this be not aright;
  29. all these mysteries hidden therein. The child of thy
  30. hidden therein. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.
  31. no expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred
  32. expected house cometh that child. Aum! All words are sacred and
  33. law of the fortress and the great mystery of the House of
  34. life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy:
  35. dust shall lose all in that hour. Ye shall gather goods and store of women and
  36. and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed.
  37. of Nu my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name
  38. Nu my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of
  39. center, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found.
  40. light devour men and eat them up with blindness. For I
  41. the dying, The folk that not know me as yet. These are dead,
  42. yet. These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are
  43. the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk. Is a God to live in a dog? No!
  44. in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our
  45. wretched the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our
  46. Ra-Hoor- Khuit. The Sun, Strength Sight, Light these are for
  47. ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure
  48. folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie.
  49. be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who
  50. grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be
  51. and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair
  52. of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. Ye
  53. them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule,
  54. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one
  55. another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in
  56. the fierce lust of your pride in the day of your wrath.
  57. head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot
  58. venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth
  59. a lie; for there is a factor infinite unknown; all their
  60. skew-wise. Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog! But ye,
  61. he damned for a dog! But ye, o my people, rise up awake! Let
  62. are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times. A
  63. fear in thine heart? Where I am these are not. Pity
  64. heart? Where I am these are not. Pity not the fallen! I
  65. not. Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not
  66. who is invisible therein am I as a babe in an egg.] Blue am
  67. in an egg.] Blue am I and gold in the light of my bride: but
  68. Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than
  69. words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my
  70. shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because:
  71. value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to
  72. find new symbols to attribute them unto. Begone!
  73. my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have
  74. my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King
  75. beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there
  76. strike hard low and to hell with them, master! There is a light
  77. heart and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body. Thou
  78. prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come
  79. in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear
  80. thee. The length of thy longing shall be the strength of
  81. among the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K
  82. the Kings. Aye! listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R
  83. listen to the numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T O V A L. What
  84. numbers the words: A B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o
  85. Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee
  86. of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about
  87. Thou shalt have danger trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship
  88. me with fire blood; worship me with swords with spears. Let
  89. that hour, o blessed Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine
  90. to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses.
  91. thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly easy for thee to do this.
  92. worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what. This burn:
  93. eating thereof. Also ye shall be strong in war. Moreover, be
  94. From gold forge steel: Be ready to fly or to smite. But
  95. it be burnt down shattered, yet an invisible house
  96. another woman shall awake the lust worship of the Snake; another soul
  97. forth-speaker of Mentu; For me unveils the veiled
  98. the veiled sky, The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu Whoso words are truth.
  99. Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Unity uttermost showed!
  100. The ways of the Khabs run through To stir me or still me! Aum!
  101. in my hand to push thy order. There is a secret door that I
  102. made a secret door Into the House of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and
  103. of Ra and Tum, Of Khephra and of Ahathoor. I am thy Theban, O Mentu,
  104. a book to say how thou didst come hither and a reproduction of
  105. only in the English and thy comment upon this the Book
  106. way. The ordeals thou shalt oversee thyself, save only the blind
  107. at their fear: spit upon them! Let the Scarlet Woman
  108. I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot
  109. cold and an-hungered. But let her raise herself in pride.
  110. be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be
  111. strike at the worship of Nu. she shall achieve Hadit. I am the
  112. am the warrior Lord of the Forties: the Eighties cower
  113. before me, are abased I will bring you to victory joy: I
  114. battle ye shall delight to slay. Success is your proof; courage
  115. always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for
  116. the chance shape of the letters and their position
  117. tear out the flesh of the Indian and the Buddhist, Mongol
  118. enthroned in Ra's seat, lightening the girders of the
  119. come through the first ordeal it will be to him as silver
  120. as silver Through the second gold Through the third, stones of
  121. intimate fire. Yet to all it shall seem beautiful.
  122. the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence of Strength; my nemyss shrouds
  123. Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence of Strength; my nemyss shrouds the
  124. empty, for I have crushed an Universe nought remains.
  125. and from top to bottom: then behold! There is a splendor

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius