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Mongol  and  Din.  Bahlasti!  Ompehda!  I  spit  on  your  crapulous  creeds. 
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Matches from Liber Al:

  1. by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat The Khabs is in The Khu,
  2. is The naked splendour of Nuit; She bends in ecstasy to kiss
  3. She bends in ecstasy to kiss The secret ardours of Hadit. The
  4. ye shall know that the chosen priest apostle of infinite
  5. lord Hadit. Now therefore I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and
  6. Infinite Stars thereof do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let
  7. there cometh hurt. But whoso availeth in this, let him be
  8. not hurting the little flowers Thou knowest! And the sign shall
  9. hurting the little flowers Thou knowest! And the sign shall be
  10. Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness
  11. at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys: but ye
  12. love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the
  13. it to the aeons. Hell. Let it be that state of manyhood bound
  14. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy
  15. with thy all thou hast no right but to do thy will Do that and no other shall
  16. purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way
  17. disappear. My prophet is a fool with his one one one: are not
  18. the floor of that palace is of silver and gold, lapis lazuli jasper are
  19. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel eat rich
  20. of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. This shall regenerate the world, the little world
  21. send this kiss. Also, o scribe and prophet though thou be of the
  22. prophet though thou be of the princes it shall not assuage
  23. of a letter; for behold thou o prophet shalt not behold all these
  24. from the West, for from no expected house cometh that
  25. the equation, leave the second unattacked But thou hast all
  26. in the clear light, and some though not all in the dark. Invoke me
  27. gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them
  28. little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss wilt thou then be
  29. the earth in splendour pride; but always in the love of me,
  30. love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to
  31. single robe and covered with a rich headdress. I love you I yearn
  32. stands bare and rejoicing in my Secret Temple To me!
  33. unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink
  34. extended, and Khabs is the name of my House. In the sphere
  35. she, the circumference, is nowhere found. Yet she shall be
  36. the Exorcist I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in
  37. Exorcist I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the
  38. the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am
  39. is a further secret. I am The Empress the Hierophant.
  40. pain and regret Are left to the dead and the dying, The folk
  41. folk that not know me as yet. These are dead, these fellows; they
  42. the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king,
  43. let it be understood If the body of the King dissolve, he
  44. thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against
  45. harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure
  46. self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man,
  47. at Victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them
  48. them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest
  49. venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are
  50. Power asks why, then is Power weakness. Also reason is a lie; for there
  51. all their words are skew-wise. Enough of Because! Be he damned for
  52. are skew-wise. Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog! But ye,
  53. Book of the Law. A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet
  54. are not. Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not
  55. hate the consoled the consoler. I am unique conqueror. I am
  56. his poverty. Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is
  57. uplifted in thine heart and the kisses of the stars rain
  58. thine heart and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.
  59. heart and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body. Thou are
  60. caress of Hell's own worm. Oh! thou art overcome: we are upon thee; our
  61. Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour
  62. words for the Kings! I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One.
  63. Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted? There is help hope in
  64. If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art:
  65. thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if
  66. drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou
  67. god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them. Choose ye an island!
  68. secret house Get the stele of revealing itself; set
  69. shall come back to it day after day. Close it in locked glass for a proof
  70. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy
  71. That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from
  72. is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the
  73. easy to you the abstruction from the ill-ordered house in
  74. to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all.
  75. know not this meaning all. Fear not at all; fear neither men, nor
  76. and torture; spare not; be upon them. That stele they shall
  77. them. That stele they shall call the Abomination of Desolation;
  78. its name, it shall be to you as Why? Because of the fall of Because,
  79. Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again.
  80. also another use; let it be laid before me, and kept thick
  81. perfumes of your orison: it shall become full of beetles
  82. lust in you at the eating thereof. Also ye shall be strong in war.
  83. and blessing no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed mystical Lord!
  84. might of Thy breath, Supreme and terrible God, Who makest
  85. establish thy way in all the quarters [these are the adorations,
  86. a reproduction of this ink and paper for ever for in it
  87. for in it is the word secret not only in the English and thy
  88. paper made by hand; and to each man and woman that thou meetest,
  89. the comment? That is easy; and Hadit burning in thy heart shall
  90. thy heart shall make swift and secure thy pen. Establish at thy
  91. utterly. Swift as a trodden serpent turn and strike! Be
  92. souls to awful torment: laugh at their fear: spit upon them!
  93. rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men! Then
  94. the kings of the earth I will fill her with joy: with my force
  95. delight to slay. Success is your proof; courage is your armour; go on,
  96. of the letters is done, and I want to go on to the holier place.
  97. face of Mohammed blind him With my claws I tear out the flesh
  98. Mongol and Din. Bahlasti! Ompehda! I spit on your crapulous creeds.
  99. for her sake let all chaste women be utterly despised among
  100. who dare not fight, but play: all fools despise But the keen and
  101. ye reverence; to me come ye through tribulation of
  102. glorious, as the sun of midnight is ever the son The ending

Reasearch Project from
The Celestial Lodge of Sirius